Hidden Plumbing Problems: What To Look For

Hidden Plumbing Problems: What to Look for

3 Different Types Of Cameras To Use For Pipe Inspections

Herbert Chambers

Running a commercial plumbing, septic, or sewage business means that you deal with pipes. When you deal with pipes on a daily basis, it can be helpful to be able to see inside of the pipes. Being able to see inside of the pipes will allow you to take your business to the next level. When it comes to pipe inspection cameras, there are multiple types of pipe inspection cameras.

Solo Robot Cameras

A solo robot camera is not operated by a person during the inspection process. Instead, the solo robot camera is programmed with important about the pipe that is to be inspected. You enter the parameters for the pipe, including orders about what information to collect. Then, you release the pipe into the camera. As the robot camera goes through the pipe, it will send you information about what it sees and encounters, as well as video that you can watch on your screen. The robot camera operates on its own during the entire inspection process and then brings itself back out of the pipe when it is done. This allows you to focus more on the information you are being sent, instead of controlling the camera.

Lateral Launch Camera

A lateral launch camera works well when you need to check out a line that has a branch line. With a lateral launch camera, you have two cameras in one. Your main camera will go down the line, recording information. When it reaches the breach in the line, your main camera will launch a smaller camera into the branch line. The smaller camera will then continue down the branch line, collecting more pictures and information. The smaller camera will then return it its larger buddy at the end and come back on home to you. This is a great way to get the necessary information on a branch line.


A pushcam is one of the most common types of cameras used for inspecting pipes. A pushcam is very small and tiny. It is made for pipe inspections. A pushcam has a camera that is attached to a long cord. You operate the camera by pushing and navigating the camera through the pipe. This type of camera works best with simple, straight pipes where you need to get a closer look. It can be more difficult to use a pushcam with any branch lines.

When it comes to inspecting pipes, a pipe camera can really help you get a good look at your pipes and see what is going on. You will be able to offer your customers better service this way.


2024© Hidden Plumbing Problems: What To Look For
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Hidden Plumbing Problems: What To Look For

When I decided to replace the plumbing fixtures in my house with new ones, the whole process revealed some heavily damaged pipes. I had missed all of the more subtle signs of issues, and only realized it when I had to work on the pipes to get the new fixtures installed. I created this site to help others understand what to watch for and what types of things to look at before they start working. Spotting problems ahead of time will make it easier to get the project done in one sitting. I hope that the information here helps others avoid the emergency situation and unexpected expenses that I found myself facing.
