Hidden Plumbing Problems: What To Look For

Hidden Plumbing Problems: What to Look for

Sensitive Skin? Take A Soft Approach To Your Body Care And Home's Water

Herbert Chambers

If you suffer from sensitive skin, using the wrong products or bathing in hard water can irritate your condition. People with rosacea, allergies, and even severe acne can suffer with sensitive skin over time. Knowing how to clean and moisturize your skin properly can help reduce your symptoms. By taking a soft approach to your body care, you can overcome your sensitive skin now.

Use Non-Irritating Body Care Products

The products you use on your body care can have a great impact on your skin. Some products contain glycerin and other harsh ingredients that not only irritate your skin, but they can also dry it out. Other products may burn or sting your sensitive skin during or after use. 

When you purchase your moisturizers and cleansers, choose products made with natural oils and gentle ingredients, such as plant extracts and oatmeal. Also, use light, gentle strokes to clean your skin. If you choose to use a towel or cloth during your body care, be sure to use microfiber or something similar. Cloths made with harsher fabrics or fibers may irritate your skin, especially the skin on your face.

Once you find the right beauty or body care products to use, soften the water in your home.

Use Softer Water at Home

You might not see or know it, but your water contains minerals that could damage or irritate your skin over time. The water flowing through your water lines and plumbing pipes can build up with calcium, magnesium, and other hard mineral content. The minerals not only build up on the surfaces of your shower stall or bathtub, they can also build up on your skin.

Hard water can cause a number of symptoms, dryness, and peeling. Your skin may also feel tight and unclean after using hard water. Hard minerals can also dry out your scalp or hair. 

You can soften the water in your shower and other plumbing fixtures with a water softening unit. Water softeners can do several things:

  • remove minerals from your water
  • cleanse your water
  • regenerate your water

The first step to getting softer water and healthier skin is to have a company like Aqua Masters Water Conditioning Inc install a system in your bathroom and any other location you use regularly. If you have a large home or apartment, you may consider using a whole-house system for your needs. If you take steps today, you can improve the quality of your skin and water. 


2024© Hidden Plumbing Problems: What To Look For
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Hidden Plumbing Problems: What To Look For

When I decided to replace the plumbing fixtures in my house with new ones, the whole process revealed some heavily damaged pipes. I had missed all of the more subtle signs of issues, and only realized it when I had to work on the pipes to get the new fixtures installed. I created this site to help others understand what to watch for and what types of things to look at before they start working. Spotting problems ahead of time will make it easier to get the project done in one sitting. I hope that the information here helps others avoid the emergency situation and unexpected expenses that I found myself facing.
