Hidden Plumbing Problems: What To Look For

Hidden Plumbing Problems: What to Look for

Water Heater Overheating: The Dangers And Causes

Herbert Chambers

If the water coming out of your water heater is too hot, then something is probably wrong with the heater. Below is an overview of the dangers of overheated water heater, and the typical causes of the issue.

The Dangers

Below are some of the problems overheated water heaters might create.


The risk of injury from scalding is too high if the water is overheated. Washing your hands or bathing with such overheated water can easily lead to injuries.


As the temperature of the water in the tank rises, the water pressure also rises. The high temperature increases the risk of water leaks through the connections and valves. It can even cause the water pipes to burst. The risk of damage is even higher if your water heater is aging.

Decreased Durability

The overheating also decreases the overall life of the water heater system. The high temperatures increase the expansion of the tank, increase the risk of corrosion, and can also trigger leaks as mentioned above.

The Causes

Multiple problems can cause your water heater to overheat; below are some of these problems.

High-Temperature Setting

Every water heater comes with a control system for setting the water temperature. Wrong temperature setting can lead to overheating, for example, if someone accidentally knocked the dial. Fortunately, the solution is as simple as turning back the dial to the right temperature.

Malfunctioning Thermostat

The water heater thermostat controls the water temperature. For example, when you set the temperature at 90oF, the heater operates at until the water temperature hits that targets and stops active heating. The active heating starts again when the temperature falls below the thermostat setting. Thus, if the thermostat has malfunctioned, it might fail to regulate the temperature and allow the tank to overheat.

Blocked Relief Valve

Your water heater comes with a safety device in the form of a relief valve. If the pressure inside the tanks builds up too high, the relief valve opens to release some of the steam. Since high pressure usually means high temperature, a blocked relief valve allows both the temperature and pressure inside the tank to rise too high.

High mineral content

Lastly, your water heater can also overheat if the heating panels are covered in mineral deposits. This can happen if the water supply to your home has high mineral content. Over time, the mineral builds up on the heating elements and increases their operating temperatures (since the elements have to overwork). The water then absorbs some of the heat and overheats.

For more information, visit websites like https://www.knightsplumbinganddrain.com/.


2024© Hidden Plumbing Problems: What To Look For
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Hidden Plumbing Problems: What To Look For

When I decided to replace the plumbing fixtures in my house with new ones, the whole process revealed some heavily damaged pipes. I had missed all of the more subtle signs of issues, and only realized it when I had to work on the pipes to get the new fixtures installed. I created this site to help others understand what to watch for and what types of things to look at before they start working. Spotting problems ahead of time will make it easier to get the project done in one sitting. I hope that the information here helps others avoid the emergency situation and unexpected expenses that I found myself facing.
