Hidden Plumbing Problems: What To Look For

Hidden Plumbing Problems: What to Look for

Easy Water Softener Repairs

Herbert Chambers

A water softener is a useful system that has proven to remove minerals from water such as calcium and magnesium. By adding salt to water, the chemical makeup of the water is changed, which changes how it affects the things it comes in contact with, such as your skin or home. While there are many benefits to softening your water, the process is not foolproof. Depending on the brand of water softener, the setup, and even the chemical makeup of your water itself, you may eventually need repairs to your system. Here are a few common water softener repairs you you may someday stand in need of.

Clearing Salt Blockages

Salt blockages happen when the brine tank has a build-up of minerals. This happens sometimes when the salt is not constantly being turned over due to a low amount of salt. If you attempt to put a stick into the salt at the bottom of the softener, it should be able to comfortably reach the bottom with little resistance. If the salt at the bottom is hard and impenetrable, you likely have a clog or blockage. This can also be noticed without a physical barrier because you will notice that you have hard water again, and that the water softener does not need refilling as often as before. Removing any excess salt is the first step to fixing a salt blockage. Use your stick to break up the blockage in the bottom, and then remove any brine in the bottom. Replace that salt with about 3 gallons of warm water and allow it to sop up as much salt as it can.

Fixing Salt Bridges

Salt bridges are another form of built-up salt. If you kick or poke the side of your water softener you should be able to hear water moving about inside. If you cannot, you may have a salt bridge. In order to fix it, pour three to four gallons of cold water over the salt and then push it down with a stick. The water will soften the bridge and it will collapse.

In conclusion, in order to repair your water softener, you may not always need professional help. Start with the basics and make sure that all systems are functioning properly. If you have gone through all of the normal processes and still cannot figure out what the problem is or how to fix it, there are water softener repair services in your area. 


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Hidden Plumbing Problems: What To Look For

When I decided to replace the plumbing fixtures in my house with new ones, the whole process revealed some heavily damaged pipes. I had missed all of the more subtle signs of issues, and only realized it when I had to work on the pipes to get the new fixtures installed. I created this site to help others understand what to watch for and what types of things to look at before they start working. Spotting problems ahead of time will make it easier to get the project done in one sitting. I hope that the information here helps others avoid the emergency situation and unexpected expenses that I found myself facing.
