Hidden Plumbing Problems: What To Look For

Hidden Plumbing Problems: What to Look for

A Basic Guide To Hard Water, Water Heaters, And Tank Flushing

Herbert Chambers

Regular maintenance and repairs are a necessity for any hot water tank. Hard water is a common reason for repair. You will need to plan for regular tank flushing as well as fixing of any hard water damage.

Why Is Flushing Required?

The environment inside your water heater is quite hot, which causes minerals like calcium and lime in your water supply to evaporate out of the water. Instead of staying dissolved, these hard minerals then solidify into a crust on the inside of your tank. Eventually, the crust flakes off and collects in the bottom of the tank, where its accumulation reduces your water heater's capacity. Further, the crust, or limescale, can cover heating elements and reduce their ability to properly heat the water. Flushing removes these deposits so your tank can maintain both its capacity and temperature.

When Should a Water Heater Be Flushed?

How often you flush the tank depends on the hardness of your water. In areas with hard water, annual flushing may be needed. In areas with softer water, you may only need to flush the tank every few years. As a general guideline, if your tank is making a lot of popping noises, which occur when scale is flaking off the tank walls, or if the amount of water or its temperature seems reduced, then it's time to flush the tank.

How Is Flushing Done?

A repair technician will come to your home and turn off the power and water to the hot water heater. They will then connect a hose to the drain valve. This hose is routed either outside to a safe area, or to a nearby floor drain. The water that comes out will be hot, so caution is used when routing the drain line. The technician then drains the contents from the hot water tank. They may also run some cold water through the tank to flush out any remaining residue. Then, they remove the hose, close the valves, and turn the water and power back on.

Are There Other Services That Should Be Done?

Many repair techs will also check your heating elements, drain valves, and anode rods during a standard water heater flush. Heating elements can be replaced if they are badly damaged by scale. Valves must also be checked to make sure scale hasn't compromised their ability to function. The valves may be cleaned or replaced as needed. Anode rods, which are designed to attract scale so it doesn't coat things like heating elements, may also need to be replaced if they have been completely covered in scale.

Contact a water heater repair service for more help.


2024© Hidden Plumbing Problems: What To Look For
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Hidden Plumbing Problems: What To Look For

When I decided to replace the plumbing fixtures in my house with new ones, the whole process revealed some heavily damaged pipes. I had missed all of the more subtle signs of issues, and only realized it when I had to work on the pipes to get the new fixtures installed. I created this site to help others understand what to watch for and what types of things to look at before they start working. Spotting problems ahead of time will make it easier to get the project done in one sitting. I hope that the information here helps others avoid the emergency situation and unexpected expenses that I found myself facing.
